Ministry Of Finance
Financial and Legal Sector Technical Assistance Project
Consultancy to Design Middleware Software For The Treasury Mobile Direct System (TMD)
Request for Expressions Of Interest
Ref: FLSTAP/FS/CBK/EOI/07/2012-2013
Credit No. 3992 KE Project ID No. P083250.
This request for Expression of Interest follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this project that appeared in United Nation Development Business No. 674 of March 16, 2006 and was updated in UN Development Business No. 707 of July 31, 2007.
The Government of Kenya
has received a credit from the International Development Association and
a Grant from the UK Department for International Development (DFID)
towards the cost of the Financial and Legal Sector Technical Assistance
Project (FLSTAP).
It is intended that part
of the proceeds of this credit be applied to eligible payments under the
contracts for provision of the above Consultancy services and is for a
period of two months.
1. Objective of the Assignment
The objective of the consultancy is to analyze, design, develop and implement the Treasury Mobile Direct (TMD) Middleware software.
2. Scope of Work
The scope of the work entails:
Analysis of TMD Middleware
- Analysis of the various requirements of the stakeholders for the TMD application. This will include conducting interviews with the stakeholders, questionnaires and analyzing the existing processes and procedures of the stakeholders
- Analysis of the existing software and hardware platforms and environments of each of the stakeholders
- Drawing up a requirements specification document in collaboration with the experts from CBK and in consultation with the other stakeholders
- Holding meetings with stakeholders to discuss results of the analysis phase and keep track of any changes or deviations from the initial project plan.
Design and Development of TMD Middleware
- Design the high level and low level process flow procedures and diagrams in collaboration with the various stakeholders
- Design the TMD Middleware architecture and interaction between the various stakeholders. Ensure there is consensus of the architecture between the various actors
- Design the prototype of the TMD Middleware application and ensure consensus of the operational and functional design of the application
- Carry out comprehensive testing of the prototype. Tests will include functional/black-box tests, stress tests, integration tests, end to end tests, white-box tests, usability tests, load tests, etc.
- Draw up a report on the test results and come up with a plan to address any failed tests Training and Implementation of TMD Middleware
- Draw up a comprehensive training schedule for the key stakeholders and users of the system
- Provide technical and operational documentation to stakeholders
- Execute the implementation of various modules of the TMD middleware successfully
- Cross functional testing after integration of the various modules to other 3rd party software
3. Expertise Required
The consultancy review should be conducted by a firm with at least 5 years’ experience in developing financial software, particularly related to the capital markets.
The firm should provide proof of similar assignments previously undertaken demonstrating:
- Ability to integrate core banking software with other standalone software, particularly mobile telephony software;
- Technical expertise in developing applications using the Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD);
- Capability of developing the software using a flexible/scalable platform (please describe how you meet this requirement);
- Ability to regularly release functional/ legislative software upgrade(s) and conform to changing trends within the tech and capital markets;
- Ability to carry out online/ web based support through a web based portal e.g. with fault reporting, query submission, download fixes/product information.
Past experience working with T24 is a critical requirement.
Experience working with Java Tanuki Wrapper, Apache Web Server, Linux Red Heart or Linux SUSI critical.
4. The Ministry of Finance (the Client) through its Project Implementation Unit (PIU) now invites eligible firms to express their interest in providing this service.
- Interested firms shall provide information indicating their professional capability to undertake the consultancy and must be able to provide a dedicated team of staff with the required expertise, to assist with implementation, provide maintenance and support and to develop future enhancements/new versions.
- The firm must have an ongoing/ continual software improvement and development programme aimed at keeping abreast with the latest technological trends as well as a solid Business Continuity Plan.
- Such information may include brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills etc.
- Firms should provide their most recent profiles showing their experience, qualifications, capabilities, references and details of past experience especially in the area of their expertise.
5. Interested eligible
firms may obtain further clarification at the address given below during
office hours between 0900 to 1630 hours, Monday – Friday inclusive,
exclusive of public holidays, before the deadline for the submission of
Expressions of Interest.
The selection of firms
will be in accordance with procedures set out by World Bank Guidelines:
Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, May
2004 and revised in October 2006.
6. Complete Expressions of Interest documents in plain sealed envelopes with consultancy reference and name clearly marked on top should be sent to the address below or forwarded using the email addresses as shown below or placed in the tender box at our offices on the 7th floor, Anniversary Towers, North Tower
Postal Address:
Project Implementation Unit
Attention: Procurement Specialist
P.O Box 00100 – 34542
Nairobi, Kenya.
Physical Address:
Project Implementation Unit
Attention: Procurement Specialist
7th Floor, Anniversary Towers, North Tower.
Building No.19 Monrovia Street/University Way
Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone No.: 254 - 20 - 2210271/2210341 Fax No.: 254 - 20 - 2210327 E-mail:
7. Deadline for submission of Expressions of Interest is Thursday 22nd November 2012 at 1600 hours Kenyan local time.
Procurement Specialist, FLSTAP
For: Financial Secretary