Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kenya Horticulture Competitiveness Project (KHCP) Call for Proposals for Potato, Sweet Potato, Banana and Export Vegetables Partnerships

Call for Proposals
The Kenya Horticulture Competitiveness Project (KHCP) is working with 200,000 farmers to build a highly competitive horticulture industry. 
We are inviting applications from interested companies and organizations to partner in the following areas:
Potato, Sweet Potato, Banana, and Export Vegetables
Expand the national production and marketing of potato (Irish), sweet potato, banana, and export vegetables. 
We are seeking innovative approaches that integrate smallholders into these value chains and result in profitable ventures that significantly impact the horticulture sector. 
This could include expansion of current activities into new markets, adding value to existing fresh products by freezing, drying and other types of processing, or development of new crops or products that take advantage of existing marketing systems. 
Co-investment ideas are encouraged. 
How to Apply
Projects can be national in impact but activities must be focused in Nyanza, Western, South Rift and Eastern provinces. 
Applicants should submit a maximum 3-page concept idea that describes the products, the number of farmers involved and the level of investment that the applicant is prepared to make in terms of management, technical expertise, market contacts and material investment. 
Projects should aim to deliver tangible results within a two year period. 
Preference will be given to companies that can demonstrate significant current business in terms of turnover, employees and markets. 
Send applications to khcp-grants@fintrac.com.

Source: joballfind.blogspot.com/, Date of Publication: November 06, 2012.