Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Office of the Auditor General: Director of Audit, Senior Mgr, Assistant and Audit Mgr Jobs in Kenya

The Office of the Auditor General draws its mandate from the Constitution of Kenya. Article 229 of the constitution establishes the Office of the Auditor–General. 
Article 248, Section 3 and Article 249, Section 2 (a) and (b) provides for the independence of the Office of the Auditor-General. 
The Auditor-General is mandated to audit of Accounts of all National and County Governments, among other Public Entities.

Pursuant to Article 252 (1) (c) of the Constitution, the Office seeks to recruit qualified and competent staff to fill the following vacant positions:-

Applications together with a detailed resume should be submitted to the e mails shown against each of the vacancies on or before Friday 23rd November 2012 addressed to:

Auditor -General
Office of the Auditor General
P. O. Box 30084-00100
Nairobi, Kenya.

Hard copies will not be accepted. Scanned copies of the applicants’ Certificates, testimonials and ID card should be attached to the application. 
The application must have the daytime telephone contacts, names and addresses of three referees known to the applicant their previous work experience.

Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted.

The Office of the Auditor General is an independent equal opportunities employer and seeks to have diversity in workforce in line with our Constitution.

Advertisement No.1:
Director of Audit
KENAO Scale 3, 3 Vacancies

Duties and Responsibilities

A Director of Audit will head an Audit Division which may comprise- Sub-divisions in Central Government, Local Authorities or State Corporations Audit Departments. 
He/she may also be deployed in the Performance and Forensic Audit Department or assigned any other duty or responsibility the Office may deem appropriate.

A Director of Audit will be responsible for efficient and effective organization, co-ordination, control and supervision of all audit or administrative functions in the Division. 
He / She will also be responsible for staff development and discipline in respect of all officers falling under the Division.

Requirements for Appointment

Appointment to the grade of Director of Audit will be made from persons who have served in the position of Senior Manager for a minimum period of three (3) years in a sizable and similar organization and who must have:-
  • Shown outstanding competence in managing the audit function or other responsibilities at a high level, matched with broad experience and knowledge of public sector financial management, policies and goals.
  • Demonstrated a high degree of administrative capability required for the responsibilities at the level of Director of Audit.
  • A Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized University and a registered member of a relevant professional body e.g. ICPAK, ACCA (IIA, CISA, CFE will be an additional advantage.
  • It is imperative that the ideal candidate be IT Savvy.
Additional relevant expertise (e.g. Forensic, Performance Audit, Value for Money and Computerized Audit) will be an added advantage.

Advertisement No. 2:

Senior Manager
KENAO Scale 4, 3 Vacancies

Duties and Responsibilities

A Senior Manager -will be in-charge of a Sub-division which may comprise a number of units responsible for several Ministries/Departments, Local Authorities or State Corporations. 
He/she may also be deployed in the Performance and Forensic Audit Department or in the Corporate Services or assigned any other duty or responsibility the Office may deem appropriate.

A Senior Manager will be responsible for efficient and effective organization, co-ordination, control and supervision of all functions falling under the Sub-division. He/she will also be responsible for staff development and discipline in the division.

Requirements for Appointment

Appointment to the grade of Senior Manager-Audit will be made from persons who have served in the position of Manager-Audit for a minimum period of three (3) years in a sizable and similar organization and who must have:-
  • Shown outstanding competence in managing the audit function or other responsibilities at a high level, matched with broad experience and knowledge of public sector financial management, policies and goals.
  • Demonstrated outstanding administrative skills and competence in planning and managing functions or other Responsibilities in the relevant field.
  • A Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized University and a registered member of a relevant professional body e.g. ICPAK, ACCA (IIA, CISA, CFE will be an additional advantage.
It is imperative that the ideal candidate be IT Savvy.

Additional relevant expertise (e.g. Forensic, Performance Audit, Value for Money and Computerized Audit) will be an added advantage.

Advertisement No.3:

Manager - Audit 
KENAO Scale 5, 2 Vacancies

Duties and Responsibilities

A Manager-Audit will be in-charge of a large Branch which may comprise a number of teams responsible for several Ministries/ Departments, Local Authorities or State Corporations. He/she may also be deployed in the Performance and Forensic Audit Department.
He/she may also be assigned any other duty or responsibility the Office may deem appropriate.

A Manager-Audit will be responsible for efficient and effective co-ordination, control and supervision of the Branch/Sub Branch, as well as staff development and discipline. 
He/she will also be responsible for ensuring the completeness and accuracy of all accounts, reports or other correspondence emanating from his/her Branch/Sub-Division.

Requirements for appointment

Appointment to the grade of Manager – Audit will be made from persons who have served in the position of Assistant Manager – Audit for a minimum period of three (3) years in a sizeable and similar organization and who must have:-
  • Shown high level competence in managing the audit function or other responsibilities at a high level, matched with broad experience and knowledge of public sector financial management, policies and goals.
  • A Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized University and a registered member of a relevant professional body e.g. ICPAK, ACCA (IIA, CISA, CFE will be an additional advantage.
  • Demonstrated administrative capabilities and a high degree of competence in planning and managing the audit functions or other responsibilities
  • It is imperative that the ideal candidate be IT Savvy.
Additional relevant expertise (e.g. Forensic, Performance Audit, Value for Money and Computerized Audit) will be an added advantage.
Advertisement No. 4:

Assistant Manager -Audit 
KENAO Scale 6, 15 Vacancies

Duties and Responsibilities

An Assistant Manager -Audit will head a Branch responsible for audit of a large Ministry/Department, a number of Ministries/ Departments, Local Authorities or State Corporations or a Province. 
He/she may also be deployed in the Performance and Forensic Audit Department or in the Corporate Services Department or assigned any other duty or responsibility the Office may deem appropriate.

An Assistant Manager -Audit will be responsible for the overall supervision and operation of the Branch including day to day administration, staff development and discipline. 
He/she will also be responsible for the accuracy of accounts, reports or other correspondence emanating from the Branch.

Requirements for Appointment

Appointment to the grade of Assistant Manager-Audit will be made from persons who have served in the position of Senior Supervisor-Audit for a minimum period of three (3) years in a sizable and similar organization and who must have:-
  • Demonstrated excellent delivery in their field of expertise
  • A Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized University and a registered member of a relevant professional body e.g. ICPAK, ACCA (IIA, CISA, CFE will be an additional advantage.
  • Demonstrated administrative capabilities and a high degree of competence in work performance and in managing the audit functions or other responsibilities.
  • It is imperative that the ideal candidate be IT Savvy.
Canvassing of any form will lead to automatic disqualification